Kaguya Sama Love Is War Season 2 Anime Like

Kaguya Sama Love Is War Season 2 Anime Like


Later a slow but eventful summer vacation, Shuchiin Academy'southward second term is now starting in full force. As August transitions into September, Miyuki Shirogane's birthday looms ever closer, leaving Kaguya Shinomiya in a serious predicament as to how to celebrate it. Furthermore, the tenure of the school's 67th student council is coming to an end. Due to the quango members being in different classes, the only time Kaguya and Miyuki have to be together volition soon disappear, putting all of their cunning plans at risk.

A long and difficult election that volition determine the fate of the new student council awaits, as multiple challengers fight for the coveted championship of president.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]


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Jun 27, 2022

Overall 10
Story 9
Animation nine
Sound 10
Character 10
Enjoyment 10

"I swear I'll brand you say it. The words I beloved you."

Kaguya-sama: Dearest is War is a freight train barreling through the anime flavour defying all expectations of the romantic-comedy genre. Similar a Gatling gun, it infinitely fires off perfectly timed visual gags with an practiced presentation. The entire show is a cacophony of over-the-top hilarity and manic energy, this is one hell of a ride. Frankly, if yous're not laughing y'all probably have a cleaved jaw.

Watching Kaguya-sama'south second season is similar witnessing an elaborate symphony. The woodwinds, brass, strings, and percussion all play in harmony. There's inappreciably a shot that doesn't use an imaginative technique involving the shot composition, editing, sound design, or staging. Kaguya-sama did not invent all of the tricks it employs, but information technology'due south the but anime to utilise nearly every single one in the volume. Information technology's a visual banquet, from the mesmerizing transitions, the art fashion swaps, to the vast spaces conveyed through the staging. Director Shinichi Omata has an authentically genuine view of human behavior, which he expresses in crisp, introspective, and sometimes startlingly heartfelt close-ups. Omata's signature technique is his well-timed shut-ups, but his greatest contribution to this material is his storyboarding. Regardless of the punchline he adapts, he always turns it into gold. Each shot flows into the next connected with his unique aesthetic. From an middle to a cup of coffee, to a nighttime urban center landscape.

The thrill of seeing Kaguya and Miyuki's heed games never ceases to excite me. This season, the clandestine conflict between Kaguya and Shirgane intensifies to the point of hysterics. Coupled with feverish voice performances, the eccentric soundtrack, and the murderous precision of the director and you get a movie operation at maximum capacity. Yet information technology somehow one-ups itself with each episode. The existent battles they wage are won by fighting dirty. Watching their smoldering spats devolve into mudslinging and biting posturing is hilarious. Underneath the thin veneer of sniveling politeness for a public advent lies pure rage between rivals. Ultimately both fighters become and then wrapped up in their self-centered minds they stupidly destroy him—or herself. Both of them have tightly-plotted game plans, merely they never become the way you anticipate. Kaguya is frighteningly stoic and exuberantly cocky-absorbed. Aoi Koga kills it once again as Kaguya. Her range is astounding, she sells her role like none other. Despite her inherent absurdity, she is conceivable. As we see during the election arc, she volition stomp you lot to a pulp if you lot get in her style. Kaguya's life is consumed in hyperbolic ambition to win over Shirogane. Miyuki is, every bit ruthless every bit e'er, an overachiever striving to overcome his modest upbringing. Gradually they both begin to accept their feelings of love for i another, only neither can act on information technology.

Unlike your typical one-act anime, none of the characters are joke dispensers. They've been developed into real people with individual personalities, backgrounds, and senses of sense of humour. For that reason, when Ishigami lands a contemptuous zinger, it doesn't feel like the writers are using a B-plot grapheme to tell their latest puns. He's cleverly commenting on the harsh truth under his jiff—a joke no i but him would tell. Ishigami's delightfully deadpan personality distinctively sets him apart. Every other side-character is so unique they could carry an entire show on their own. The supporting characters are as vivid and vital to the testify equally the leads. During the ballot arc, Miko Iino joins the fray winning unexpected popularity with the audience due to her relatable struggles with anxiety and her willingness to overcome it. Her moments on stage hit close to home. The execution of her arc earned her a permanent spot on the cast roster. Hayasaka, once again, is the vocalisation of reason. She earned more screentime this season and she devoured every second of it. She calls out Kaguya internally and plays games with her. It's ever clear what she'southward thinking, this daughter is crazy. Her idiosyncrasies are so bizarre compared to the others, her kind of sense of humour is unpredictable.

Comedy is a highly subjective genre, every bit such Kaguya-sama gets a lot of criticism. Much of information technology is fair critiques which I respect. Merely some of the 'criticism' is just nonsensical whining from pretentious elitists who don't realize comedy has evolved since the 1990s. Rather than responding to each negative review individually, I thought I'd give y'all a list of contrarian talking points and the arguments debunking them.

1 common critique of Kaguya-sama is the use of a narrator, which baffles me. Oftenly 3rd-person narrators are used equally a writer's crutch for exposition and explaining jokes, but here that isn't the case at all. The omniscient narrator is like a sports journalist, perfectly complimenting the high stakes state of war games with his booming voice and over-the-top commentary. He creates a metatextual connection with the audience by giving instant reactions to the action and chop-chop reviewing the battle's results. You'd expect him to exist a reliable link to reality for a jiff of fresh air, but his perception of love is suitably insane.

To those who find the comedy repetitive, it continually iterates on its premise neverendingly. The second season maintains the same simplistic setup, but why make a drastic modify when the creators can consistently keep it fresh and entertaining? I've heard many critics of Kaguya-sama say "The romance doesn't progress," only it does. The whole show revolves around their relationship progressing at an intensely slow pace, it's the signal. At that place are social lines Miyuki and Kaguya can't cross such as sharing personal information, concrete contact, informal chat, etcetera. Throughout the series, as they cross these lines, their romantic advances become increasingly suggestive. Corresponding to normal relationships their romantic interactions are immeasurably subtle, just at the moment they feel larger than life due to the context. Anyone whose been in love knows the commencement move is always the near hard. It is blisteringly painful to cross the line into unknown territory. This show captures that once-in-a-lifetime feeling on the precise line betwixt youth and maturity.

In a normal rom-com, this ultra-fine progression would feel forced, just here it makes and then much sense because of their complicated relationship. One of the central themes, class disparity, prevents Kaguya from acting on her feelings considering Shirogane is in a lower socio-economical class, her male parent would never let them to engagement. Being an flush business conglomerate, her begetter wants her to marry someone powerful and wealthy. Shirogane explicitly confirms this in an internal monologue when backed into a corner, "This is a affair of pride. Shinomyia and I come from dissimilar backgrounds. I thought it was necessary to have her confess to me before we could engagement as equal." This class disparity is visualized in incredibly pocket-size means, such as Miyuki's sister counting how many newspaper deliveries it'd take to buy a shirt. Seamlessly we now know she's a difficult worker without beingness bogged down by exposition. Juxtapose this moment with Kaguya curiously wondering why due to her privileged ignorance, and you get a nuanced class divide between real people. Pair this nuanced character writing with stunning direction and you have a masterpiece.

Kaguya-sama: Love is War is a passion project. These days TV anime are quickly made on the assembly line to maximize profit, and I empathise why many people are dubious of a series as pop as this one. The pocket-size studio that created this knew their time and budget limitations. They worked around them not with flashy sakuga, but past employing every creative filmmaking technique they could. Every episode pushes the limits of the TV anime medium farther and further—information technology never ceased to amaze me. When those last credits rolled each episode, all I could do was sit down back, inhale, and realize I had been grinning the whole time. Kaguya-sama is packed full of mania and truthful love. Every twist and turn adds more depth for the adjacent fourth dimension yous watch it. I can safely say this is the nigh fun I've e'er had with an anime. I'yard ready for more.

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Jun 27, 2022

Overall five
Story 5
Animation 9
Sound 8
Character iv
Enjoyment 6

Kaguya sama wa kokurasetai flavor 2 is the thwarting of the season. It has its ups and downs, the ups being the terminal 3 episodes, and the downs being the rest of the season. Just the final three episodes provide any sense of progression, be it for the characters or for the plot. Ishigami'due south long awaited grapheme arc was freaking fantastic, but the same can't be said near the other characters'.

Even afterwards 24 episodes have aired, many of the characters are as bland equally they were in the showtime episode of the showtime season. I was able to overlook this in season 1, because I don't expect the writer to exist able to completely characterize and develop the personalities of four master characters in the span of 12 episodes, but I exercise expect that, or at least half of that, to happen within 24 episodes. If I don't even know or sympathize the characters, and if I'yard not even the to the lowest degree bit acquainted with them, how tin you fifty-fifty expect me to give two shits about their romantic feelings for each other?

All the female characters (and I do mean all) are basically reskinned versions of diverse "-deres". Kaguya is a tsun-dere, Hayasaka is a kuu-dere, Iino Miko is a baka-dere and Chika is an abrasive-dere. The female characters have no personalities of their own, simply have inherited their dispositions, if you can even telephone call them that, from stereotypes. Chika'southward graphic symbol is just to be "beautiful"; I prefer the phrase obnoxiously irritating but whatever. The entirety of Kaguya's character revolves around Shirogane; if we were to remove Shirogane from her life all that would exist left is an empty husk of a high school girl. Indeed, if this is what the anime intended for her character to be, so I would've had no qualms with that, but that is definitely non the example. She's supposed to exist one of the leads, and all we know about her is that she loves Miyuki and has daddy issues. Do we know what caused her daddy issues after two cours? Nope.

Hayasaka has been Kaguya's maid since her childhood, and that's her character done for the series. I did feel myself liking Miko initially when she was introduced, considering she was actually given a purpose, a purpose that wasn't relied upon whatever other character, until that very purpose was daddy-daddy-dooed into oblivion. She was an interesting character and her struggles – public speaking and isolation – were well established. These are complications that I'm sure almost of the states could related to at some point in our lives. I was invested. I wanted a resolution for her grapheme, non some sort of catharsis only something that would exist satisfying and relatable, but all nosotros got was a 5-infinitesimal scene where she overcomes it all through nakama power. I wish I was making this upwards.

A small pep talk from Shirogane is all it takes for her to overbear her fear of public speaking, fearfulness that has cultivated in her mind since her elementary school days, and all it takes for her to overcome information technology is a debate well-nigh why boys in their school should shave their heads in order to suit uniformity. Yeah, BS.

That episode fabricated me question something. Does this show want to exist a comedy with serious moments, or does information technology want to be a serious show with comedic skits; because neither of the two seem to fit the show's agenda, yet the show still tries its hardest to juggle the two topics. The one-act is more or less hit or miss. The jokes are predictable, ninety% of them rely on some sort of misunderstanding between the characters, and bluntly, though non a chore to watch, were a fleck out of place at times. The joke most Shirogane being non very good at volleyball, and Chika having to teach him tirelessly worked in Flavor 1, but hither that very same joke is repeated two dissimilar times; once with singing, and once with dancing.

In that location would exist a moment or 2 where it feels like the prove is actually trying to progress the characters' relations, but then out of nowhere Due south Y Grand Eastward, nothing happens because someone walks in on them.

I can't go on berating the show as it does accept some actual skilful sense of humour. For example, my favorite in this season is when Kaguya, Ishigami and Shirogane are in a Shoujo manga parody. Now that was hilarious. Taking an already oversaturated genre and saturating it even more created some hysterical moments.

The actual witty comedic timings of the first flavor were lost somewhere and most all the comedic moments in this cour are either forced, or mountains made out of molehills. For case, Shirogane approaches Kaguya in forepart of her classmates and explicitly asks her to Prepare A Oral communication FOR THE Educatee Quango PRESIDENT'S Ballot, but somehow the absolute donuts in the supposedly prestigious school for elites, mistake that for a confession.

The male main characters, are what carry the prove because they actually have emotions and act like friends. The testify WANTS us to believe that the master quad are friends but shows zero to instate said human relationship between the characters. Let me give you a rundown of how the characters treat each other –
1. Kauguya, with
a) Shirogane – lovey dovey
b) Ishigami – aforementioned joke about her being a cold af devil is repeated a one thousand thousand times
c) Chika – considers her a cancer to society and and then immediately does a 180 and all of a sudden she'southward her bff

Chika is the same with anybody considering she's got no personality. Shirogane and Ishigami are the merely ones who show some sort of realism in their emotions. I know that it'due south an anime and all and information technology doesn't need to be that realistic, simply what gets on my fretfulness is that the show tries to conceal the lack of depth in the characters and tries to swindle the viewer, using poorly synthetic recurring jokes, into thinking that maybe the characters aren't simply ink aerosol on a slice of newspaper.

There'due south a scene in this season where the Educatee Council is disbanded and the characters may never get to spend much time together, simply the only thing I could think near is how much I don't give a shit. The author tries to employ various techniques in order for the viewer to experience sad, which include but are non express to – crying characters, other characters joining in on the crying, walking into the sunset and more crying. The characters besides keep reiterating nearly how "nostalgic" the past year was as if to convince the viewer to feel the same. If you need to explicitly ask the viewer to have a poignant feeling during a scene, then yous need to redo that unabridged part from scratch.

Show, don't tell. That'southward ane of the main philosophies in writing, but unfortunately the evidence believes in "Tell, don't testify".

We are TOLD that Kaguya worked the hardest to defend Ishigami, even though we are SHOWN that Shirogane was the i to pull Ishigami out of his "darkness".

Nosotros are TOLD how Kaguya planned something, but we're never SHOWN how or when she did it. For example, we are told, through Hayasaka, that Kaguya planned for two of the students to become to different schools after they graduated from middle school, only for Kaguya to after state "masaka, I am not that cold". Is this the author's style of building up Kaguya? Or is this the writer just trying to give Kaguya's character some edginess? Because, neither of them particularly worked.

The highlight of this season definitely was the handling of Ishigami'southward graphic symbol. The way his character arc was structured is praiseworthy. All the foreshadowing for his character, in Flavour 1 and the first one-half of this flavour, are finally compiled into two episodes and they were magnificent. The resolution was fantastic, the build upwardly was fantastic, everything was fantastic. If only the author cared equally much about the female person cast as he does about the male counterpart.

The blitheness is as fantastic as information technology was in the flavor prior to this one. At that place is a sense of fluidity in the characters' movements which go hand in hand fantastically with the amazing lighting and directing of the skits. There is always something in motion, be it in the foreground or the background, and if we go a still shot it'southward usually accompanied with ambient music and gorgeous lighting. In terms of blitheness, there are no corners cut and there is nearly never a dull moment.

The music is swell. I like the new Opening and Ending songs this season, though I wasn't particularly a fan of the previous flavour's OP and ED. The residual of the OST is skillful.

I said it at the beginning of the review, I'll say it again, "Kaguya Sama wa Kokurasetai Flavour 2 is a disappointment". It has its highs sure, but the time used upward in the detours information technology takes and the meandering information technology does in order to achieve said highs, could've and should've been used more deftly.

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Jun 27, 2022

Overall 10
Story ix
Animation 10
Audio nine
Character 10
Enjoyment 10

If someone shits on Kaguya-sama in forepart of me, I have simply one answer for them. "Urusai, baaka!"

Kaguya-sama: Love is War was a great show and ane of my favorites of the year 2022. Information technology had an entertaining cast of principal characters, a group of just equally amusing side characters that made an appearance every now and then, and to freshen things upwards, a simple still compelling tale nigh 2 geniuses trying to outwit each other in a totally contrasting style to Calorie-free and L from Expiry Note, with acme tier comedy to height it all off. It had sure elements that nosotros'd previously seen merely the overall product of everything information technology offered was something very unique.

At present, have everything I said higher up and add a progressive plot, some more characters who're just as delightful as the ones introduced last season and the previous bandage getting development as well as becoming even more charming. All this executed so spectacularly that even the first season that I liked and then much pales in comparison. Oh, and also, add sick animation, a captivating OP and OST, and you've got what Kaguya-sama: Beloved is War Season 2 offers.

In brusque, this season has all of what made the kickoff season nifty and does it meliorate. To me, Kaguya-sama S2 is about a perfect Slice of Life/romcom. This season has taken Kaguya-sama to the elevation echelon of romcom or heck, even SOL anime in general, in my list.

The first season was an introduction to the characters, focusing more on telling the tale in an episodic style without a lot of story progression. This flavour instead, focuses on the plot moving forward. Instead of hilarious episodic stories, we get hysterical episodes with the plot progression every inch of the fashion. The bookish twelvemonth is near to finish so tensions rise during the educatee council president election every bit a new foe appears, Shirogane's family is explored more and Ishigami's graphic symbol is fleshed out in the latter one-half of the season. The anime is not well-nigh just making you laugh now. Information technology's nearly trying to make you lot weep before having you burst out laughing, rolling on your burrow.

One of the (many) reasons why Kaguya-sama shines over other romcoms is because it'southward not afraid of doing where most of them would stammer. You want the master protagonist existence called a manwhore for multiple episodes? It'southward got yous covered. You want a Monogatari scene reprised? Gotcha. You desire a guy's father saying how his high school son is even so a kid and his pilus downward there hasn't even sprouted still to a daughter'south begetter? Sure, information technology's there. Y'all want the female atomic number 82 to call back about all the intricacies of the male's underpants? Oh, you lot'll get that. Indicate to call up, Kaguya-sama is still rated as PG-13.

Misunderstandings are the source of a lot of comedy and that'due south i matter that you'll find in a lot of romcoms. Kaguya-sama though managed to create amusing moments not in spite of them, but considering of them. I could lookout entire episodes on the same jokes and even so wouldn't get bored. But no, nosotros don't get the same joke used over and over. You'll have tens of new ones every episode.

In this season too, Kaguya continues in her quest to make Miyuki Shirogane confess his dear to her. Same goal but the approach has changed. Or rather, evolved. She's a lot bolder in this season using tricks as well equally other people, to be put Shirogane into hard situations. And sometimes, this puts her in situations that she loves yet fears. This is when, the best girl of the season for me, at to the lowest degree for the first few episodes, Hayasaka Ai comes to her aid. Oh, how I've loved every moment of watching her. She shows us a side of her personality that I didn't think she had. And then turns into some other character who's nigh unrecognizable. Frightening!

Now, let's talk about Miyuki Shirogane. Out of all of the main characters in the series, he's the least talked about and the nigh underrated. Ishigami-kun is everyone's best boy while all the girls are contenders for best girl. Simply our protagonist simply doesn't become plenty dear from the fans. To me, he was the hero in this season. And he was the hero to the characters besides. He goes out of his way to help people; people whom he doesn't know that well, and helping them in a mode that wouldn't actually benefit him. When, in the biggest moment of her high school life, Iino Miko faces a trouble that's haunted her all her life, Miyuki comes to the rescue, disregarding the fact that it puts his own reputation and image on the line. When Ishigami tin't deal with his bug, current and past, Miyuki gives him a shoulder to lean on. And of grade, he'south always there for Kaguya. His acts of selfless heroism made him the character I near enjoyed watching this flavor. Of class, the others had their arcs and moments simply in all of those, Miyuki was the focal betoken at the nearly prominent moments. He'southward the hero this globe needs but doesn't deserve. Truly a chad!

The character who got the most evolution was undoubtedly Ishigami Yu. As I said to a higher place, he's best boy for a ton of fans and for good reason. The Ishigami arc in S2 had been hyped up past the manga readers and although I personally wouldn't put it on a pedestal over the other arcs in S2 (to me, the unabridged flavour was peak notch and I tin can't put ane arc over the other), delving into his past and exploring his character was fantastically handled. Nosotros not merely get to see why he's become and then afraid of associating with people, but also him overcoming that and recognizing that the people effectually him are non as awful as he'd idea they'd be. There's then much room for growth with him and I'm really looking forward to seeing more of the same in the future.

The all-time aspect of the prove? I was in quite a conundrum when I asked myself this question. The season is so well rounded that neither could I think of a existent weakness, nor could I find something that I could put over the other aspects that easily. The make clean and smooth blitheness, a deep dive into the characters' past and personalities, the utilize of a pretty practiced OST, Daddy Daddy Doo and everything I've mentioned earlier were all so brilliantly executed. Even so, I can't help simply applaud one thing over all of these: the phonation interim. It doesn't necessarily hateful that the other facets lacked in comparison. No, no. Information technology's but that I don't recollect I've ever come beyond an anime or a show in general, in which I could so easily make out that the level of voice acting I was experiencing was exemplary.

The Japanese phonation interim industry is brimming with talent and we come across boggling performances from these guys all the fourth dimension. But the level of vocalisation acting from all of the people involved in Kaguya-sama S2 and the range that they exhibited just fabricated me appreciate that what I was experiencing was the makings of something truly special. I feel that almost vocalism actors are able to show their true talent in a show in which they're able to convey a multitude of emotions and SOL/romcom have the most freedom in that regard. Some of my other favorite comedy shows have had superb voice acting like Saiki Kusuo, Grand Blue, Smashing Teacher Onizuka only I felt that the voice acting in Kaguya-sama S2 surpassed all of those. Could information technology be recency bias? Possible merely I still can't notice whatsoever that I've watched that I tin say has an undeniably better vocalisation acting performance than this. The cast for Kaguya-sama is very young. For most of them, Kaguya-sama is like a breakthrough anime through which could accept that jump which makes them one of the top names in the industry. And I honestly believe they've done that. The ones who impressed me nearly were Yumiri Hanamori and of grade, Aoi Koga, the VAs for Hayasaka and Kaguya respectively. The range of tonal shifts that they displayed is fascinating and a treat to listen to. Just watch a video of them voicing Kaguya and Hayasaka and you'll empathise exactly what I mean.

Kaguya-sama is easily my Anime of the year thus far. And right at present, I tin only come across 2 anime, both sequels that could potentially take that championship this year, for me at to the lowest degree. Oregaieru S3 and Attack on Titan S4, if it does indeed air this year, are the ii. And if they manage to surpass or even equal what Kaguya-sama S2 did, then we're in for something epic. I'll miss watching Kaguya-sama every week until Flavor three comes out. It was an anime that truly enhanced the source material and turned it into something very, very special.

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Jun 27, 2022

Overall 9
Story 9
Blitheness viii
Sound 8
Character 10
Enjoyment 9

Are you lot fix to be graced by the charming Kaguya that we all got to know? Want most how much Miyuki has grown since the first season? Want to know how much love this season two gives to the fans? I got proficient news for y'all considering Kaguya-sama Season two leaves no shortage for high expectations. You came to this sequel and then exist prepare for enlightenment by a evidence that reaches even greater heightss.

The alluring entreatment of Kaguya-sama comes from an exquisite colorful cast of characters. From the beginning, nosotros should know this isn't merely a typical rom-com with lovey-dovey episodes. Rather than just producing romance, Kaguya-sama is known for its psychological warfare, or as in some people calls it, 'love is state of war'. Subsequently all, nosotros accept a story about how Kaguya and Miyuki are both in a mental battle with each to see who will confess to the other commencement. That's the core of the premise anyways. Season 2 draws in more storytelling involving the ballot for the Student Council, Miyuki's birthday celebration, and a hallmark of new drama.

Similar to the previous season, each episode is divided into multiple segments. Some of these segments are connecting storylines together formulated into a sitcom-style plot while others are standalones with various themes. From the very starting time episode, we are reintroduced to the prove's familiar storytelling way through the character personalities. Well-nigh of the main bandage lacks experience with relationships then it'southward not surprising to see their fallout in the field. Chika once over again serves every bit major comic relief and in the season'due south opening episode debuts her Happy Life Game. Such a board game unites the characters together through their natural chemistry between each other. While the segment itself can exist considered to exist a sitcom comedy, it's important to encounter the dynamic connection betwixt all the main cast. This franchise may not have a large character cast simply information technology has an ensemble to go along everyone relevant. It's the quality that matters over the quantity.

Furthermore, let's not forget some of the supporting members such every bit Kei, Hayasaka, or Kobachi. They may not go as much equally the core bandage just when they do, it'south always highly-seasoned. Allow's take Ai Hayasaka for example. She makes a sensational debut in a cat-burglar style outfit while staying in character. Kei, Miyuki'due south sister, retains pride personality although it'south obvious she cares about her blood brother. Meanwhile, there'south Kobachi Osaragi, a member of the Public Morals Committee, which I don't see people talk oftentimes virtually. Taking on the role of a stereotypical committee member, she is of the more observant type who often observes others than taking straight activity. In one particular episode, we come across how the narrative perspective of this public morals committee member.

Simply perchance about noticeably, we meet Miko Iino this season. Setting the gold standard as a commission member, she has an absolute ambition to seek justice at her schoolhouse. It doesn't take long for her to butt heads with characters and due to her personality causes some uneasy drama. Just fans should also know that Kaguya-sama is more known for its charismatic drama. It balances its emotional appeal and ties it together with its unorthodox humor. Sometimes, information technology fifty-fifty adds a bit of psychology through grapheme behaviors and its dialogue usage. Almost noticeably, this includes character personality changes such equally with Kaguya and Hayasaka. Miko Iino in this case is perhaps ane of the most man and realistic characters in the prove. She follows her school standards and honestly reminds me of the blazon of pupil quango that I used to run across at my ain school. During the mid-season episodes, Miko is involved with the pupil council election and goes upward against her rival, Miyuki. Information technology sells the plot's drama perfectly as nosotros witness both sides clash.

And let's not forget Yu Ishigami. Perhaps beingness the breakout character this season, he is the introverted male child with a depressing outlook on life. If you ask me, he is like the antonym of Chika. Instead of existence bubbly and energetic, Ishigami suffers from an inferiority complex and ofttimes makes sarcastic comments without much thought. He serves as a perfect example as a character foil to likewise Kaguya and Miyuki. People tend to misjudge Ishigami but deep down, he is a decent person every bit his action speaks louder than words this season. In one of the episodes belatedly in this flavor, you'll run across exactly why. Never count out Ishigami when he takes the stage.

Like with the previous flavor, A-i Pictures endorses this sequel with its colorful artwork and choreography. Some people may not trust the studio to handle adaptations but for this time effectually, there's no need to worry. We are once again enlightened by the flamboyant nature of character drama. With the eccentric character expressions, it sells at every characters' personalities to the fullest. Titular character Kaguya is the best example with every interaction she has with others, especially Miyuki. It doesn't stop there either every bit Chika, Ishigami, and others inject free energy into this season. And allow'due south besides not forget the opening theme song. Performed by Masayuki Suzuki, it has a similar tune as the outset flavour but contains a very creative tune with some colorful storytelling within. You lot'll be surprised at how much that song fits for this item show.

It only took virtually half a year for the announcement of the sequel since the first season finished airing. And a few months afterward, nosotros are at the end again. Similar most fans of the franchise, I came into Kaguya-sama with high expectations because there was then much more than left to run into from the manga. In this season, we are once more entertained by the brainchild of the franchise, Aka Asasaka. Now bring on season 3 so we tin see more than of this dear war.

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Source: https://myanimelist.net/anime/40591/Kaguya-sama_wa_Kokurasetai_Tensai-tachi_no_Renai_Zunousen



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